More and more non-profit organizations are embracing the internet as a major focus of their efforts. This is good, the power of the internet to reach wider audiences, engage potential...
We've added enhanced search and export functionality to our membership database! Using our new filter system, you can now isolate members through highly specific filters and create a specialized...
Our membership account profile and registration forms now benefit from multi-lingual (English and French) support. Members can now join, renew, and edit their profiles in the language they are...
Most of us live in bubbles. We don't mean to do it, but it happens. We accrue a circle of friends who work in the same industry, come from similar walks of life, carry the same values, and...
The death knell for Flash has been sounding for awhile now , but it looks like Google is finally ready to pull the plug once and for all. Starting in September, Chrome will begin to...
As a member of the internet generation, I view the telephone with the same level of suspicion and fear as a 14th century pike-man gazing at a barrel of gunpowder. It's a nasty, potentially...
There are thousands of fonts out there. A staggering variety of methods to present text, set mood, and create a striking identity. But you wouldn't know it by browsing the web. Going by what you...
Lifeline Design Inc.
@ CSI 192 Spadina Ave.
Toronto, Ontario
M5T 2C7
Phone: 877 543 3110
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