Staebler Insurance


MAY 2011

'New Clients'

Staebler Insurance


Kitchener and Waterloo insurance brokers Staebler Insurance were so pleased Facebook game we made for them last year, they've

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Some thoughts about page load optimizing


MAY 2011


Some thoughts about page load optimizing


Google has recently announced the release of the online version of PageSpeed , the Firefox extension that analyzes the performance of a web page. There is already a much better tool, called...

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Building your list – B2B versus B2C tactics


MAY 2011

'Email Marketing'

Building your list – B2B versus B2C tactics


If you are just starting with email marketing and have no addresses in your email list, or too few to start a campaign that will be worth your while,  yet you feel like buying leads from a third...

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Good and Bad Link Building Methods (Part III)


MAY 2011

'Search Engines'

Good and Bad Link Building Methods (Part III)


Welcome to the third part of our series on good and not-so-good link building methods. If you missed the previous episodes, I suggest you catch up here: Part I: Guest posting and theme...

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Usability tips for newbie designers (Part III)


MAY 2011


Usability tips for newbie designers (Part III)


The previous two parts of the Usability for newbie designers tutorial can be found here: Part I: Introduction and general tips Part II: Proper use of breadcrumbs In this article...

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Leverage your Youtube channel for fun and profit


MAY 2011

'Social Media'

Leverage your Youtube channel for fun and profit


Youtube can be a great platform for your social media strategy. It can help you raise buzz for your products or services and boost your audience.  Also, like all social media platforms, it can be...

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How to cloak your affiliate links


MAY 2011


How to cloak your affiliate links


Cloaking affiliate links is a common practice among marketers. I’ll show you the reasons and ways you can do it. Assuming you are promoting a product sold by , you will get an URL...

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Tips for a successful email campaign


MAY 2011

'Email Marketing'

Tips for a successful email campaign


Emailing is an art. If you just started, chances are you won’t get it right on the first try. Don’t despair, If you learn from your mistakes, you will eventually succeed. Here are some tips all...

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SEO versus PPC – Which one is right?


MAY 2011

'Search Engines'

SEO versus PPC – Which one is right?


There is a never-ending debate over PPC versus SEO, and an equally growing divide between marketers who enjoy organic search and those who prefer paid results. Without taking any sides, here are...

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