You can now rank your featured news posts!


APR 2015


You can now rank your featured news posts!

Have more than one featured news item? Say you're excited about a recent award your business has won, but you still want next weeks upcoming sale to be at the top of your news feed? No problem....

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LifeConnect update – forum module will now accept calendar invites through email


APR 2015


LifeConnect update – forum module will now accept calendar invites through email

We've been busy working on our members software recently and have made a few small improvements. One you may be interested in is the ability to send and receive calendar invites through email!...

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Broadcast your new photo galleries to Facebook and Twitter!


APR 2015


Broadcast your new photo galleries to Facebook and Twitter!

We've updated our gallery system to allow you to instantly broadcast new galleries to social media. When creating a gallery, you'll now see an "Also Post To:” option with two tick boxes, one for...

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Membership upgrade – members can now pay multiple dues


APR 2015


Membership upgrade – members can now pay multiple dues

A recent update to our membership software makes it possible for one member to pay the dues for other members. This is handy for organizations who's employer pays membership dues for them,...

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New feature – Content locking


APR 2015


New feature – Content locking

Ever accidentally erase something you meant to save? It's one of the worst feelings in the world, right? A kind of pit in your stomach disbelief that you just wasted the last hour or so worth of...

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You can now flag pages as members only!


MAR 2015


You can now flag pages as members only!

We've added an improvement to our LifeWEB and LifeConnect software. While we've always offered our clients the ability to gate pages or content behind a members login, this was something we'd...

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New features to block spam


MAR 2015


New features to block spam

Ugh, who wants to deal with spam cluttering up their inboxes? We sure don't! That's why we've made improvements to our ability to detect and automatically block spam responses from Contact Us...

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Think CASL is no big deal?


MAR 2015


Think CASL is no big deal?

Still thinking that the new Canadian spam legislation is no big deal? Think again. The CRTC has imposed a $1.1 million fine against a Quebec-based company for violating the recently enacted...

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Banner links can now open in new windows


MAR 2015


Banner links can now open in new windows

Your banner is likely the first thing a visitor to your site is likely to see, which makes it the perfect place for an enticement or piece of news. While we've long supported banner links, we've...

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