4 scams as old as the internet that people are still falling for


FEB 2016


4 scams as old as the internet that people are still falling for

Over the past twenty years, internet scams have gone from shadowy, lurking, cyber threats to the stuff of late night comedy fodder. We've all heard punchlines about Nigerian royalty and online...

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Dealing with domain squatting


JAN 2016


Dealing with domain squatting

The term "cyber squatting” may sound like something a futuristic hobo would do, but it is actually a very real problem that we face today. Otherwise known as "domain squatting” this is a...

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4 reasons your business needs a blog


JAN 2016


4 reasons your business needs a blog

What do you offer on your website? Contact information? Product and service listings? Maybe some nice pictures? Of course it does, that's what websites are for! But, do you have a...

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When to hire a professional photographer for your website


JAN 2016


When to hire a professional photographer for your website

Okay, you've got your website all planned out. The design is slick, the pages are beautifully composed, and its optimized for every browsing experience you can imagine. There is just one problem...

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It's not a soap box, it's a dinner table: Engaging customers on social media


JAN 2016

'Social Media'

It's not a soap box, it's a dinner table: Engaging customers on social media

Social media can be a powerful tool, but like any other tool you need to know how to use it unless you want to end up slicing your hand off. Too many businesses make the mistake of treating...

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Don't call it a comeback, mailing lists never left


DEC 2015

'Email Marketing'

Don't call it a comeback, mailing lists never left

Mailing lists are a bit old fashion aren't they? In our social media dominated landscape, the idea of collecting emails and socking them away for some future newsletter or point of contact seems...

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Giving credit where credit is due: Understanding content attribution


DEC 2015

'Social Media,  Blogging'

Giving credit where credit is due: Understanding content attribution

Some people still treat the internet like it's the Wild West - no rules, no law, and may the quickest draw live. If they see something they like such as a interesting article, a funny picture,...

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New dynamic data fields for member profiles


DEC 2015


New dynamic data fields for member profiles

We've upgraded out LifeConnect software yet again to provide you with more options and flexibility! We've added the ability to create unique data fields for member profiles, so you can keep...

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Embed your blogs on any page!


NOV 2015


Embed your blogs on any page!

Proud of your written content? Want to steer visitors towards you blogs or show off a particular evergreen piece of content? We've got your back! A new feature for LifeWEB allows individual blog...

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