Social media spring cleaning: Time to tidy up that old profile


MAR 2016

'Social Media'

Social media spring cleaning: Time to tidy up that old profile

It's Spring Cleaning time, the time of year when you finally tackle a job you've been putting off. Time to strap on the extra thick gloves, get up on the roof, and scoop out all that nasty...

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Donor engine security upgrade – Block repeated donation failures


MAR 2016


Donor engine security upgrade – Block repeated donation failures

Repeated donation failures can be an indication of attempted fraud. When you see a list of 50 failed attempts in quick succession to donate, you have to wonder what is really going on....

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Up your blogging game!


MAR 2016


Up your blogging game!

As we've discussed before , a blog can be a great way to drive traffic to your site, update your customers, and help you stretch your creative muscles in a fun and beneficial way. Once you have...

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Forum upgrade – Attach more than one file to posts


MAR 2016


Forum upgrade – Attach more than one file to posts

Got something to say? Want to share multiple files? No problem, we've upgraded our forum software to accept multiple file attachments per post. No more sequential posts to share your documents,...

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What is SEO?


MAR 2016

'Web Design Help,  Search Engines,  Marketing'

What is SEO?

Working in the web design business, It can be easy to occasionally forget that some of the specialized terminology and jargon we use at work everyday can seem alien and bizarre to people who...

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How to avoid negativity online (and make sure you're not part of it)


FEB 2016


How to avoid negativity online (and make sure you're not part of it)

You've probably already noticed, but people can be jerks on the internet. Just downright mean and nasty. It doesn't matter what you do, whether your posting a blog for your business, sharing a...

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Dealing with burnout in the workplace


FEB 2016


Dealing with burnout in the workplace

Burnout in the workplace is becoming a more common topic these days. People are stressed, overworked, under-appreciated, and more and more they feel like they just can't cope. There are plenty...

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Instant invoice for cheque payments for members dues paid by employers


FEB 2016


Instant invoice for cheque payments for members dues paid by employers

We've improved our invoice system for complicated membership payments. For example, when a group (employer, organization, etc) is paying the dues for multiple members, they will no longer...

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Google wants to get rid of passwords because “passwords suck”


FEB 2016


Google wants to get rid of passwords because “passwords suck”

I spend an undue amount of time thinking about passwords. What makes a good one, what makes a bad one, the advantages of password managers, and of course, trying to remember passwords I set up...

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